

I know I am not the best photographer out there but I have decided to push forward and actually pursue my interest in photography. I have recently started creating a new site to form a portfolio of my work. I’m not sure anyone reads this yet, or will , but I figured I would reach out and ask for opinions on how it should be organized. It will conjoin with this site becoming a sort of sister site. Originally when I built my two sites one was to host photos and the other depict my adventures for my friends to read. It’s no face book, so it’s hard to compete for people’s time when my site doesn’t allow such networking but I’m hoping my venture to revitalize my sites will get people to keep in touch with me as much as I desire to stay in touch with them. Eventually there will be a French log written as well, and maybe Chinese if I ever come to in the language. For now, will remain the main site. On the other hand, will most likely be taken down permanently and replaced by a site that will remain undisclosed at the moment till more is completed. This secondary site will be a true portfolio of photos and art work I have made whether they be recent adventures or crazy inpsirations. What are your thoughts? Feel free to e-mail me, I am sure you all know where to reach me, if not leave messages here.
