
Facebook, huh?

So I know a lot of my friends are endeared to facebook. As much as they are to text messages and other sources of contact. This article pretty much sums up everything nicely. I don’t often use facebook because of several of the problem reasons listed. I have always been one for direct contact, even a phone call is better than dueling it out over textified madness. Why is it that people have taken to these methods of communication? Sure there are plenty of benefits, but I feel the cons outweigh the pros. Opinions? How about the article? Check it out at Wall Street Journal.


4 thoughts on “Facebook, huh?

  1. Kari says:

    Nice article on FB, I definately agree with what its saying….but I don’t think I’m gonna give up my account yet…but it does make me think about what I post on there more, be it pictures or status’s, especially because I have small counsin’s and realtives and co-wprkers firended….we all have to be socially responsibe and not hide behind he guise of the internet to think differently on how we socially act with each other.

  2. Well here’s the thing about facebook, it’s a great branding tool. Giving it up in today’s world would be absurd, but allowing it to absorb your life as it does for most is absolutely not necessary. There was another article posted by my friend that stated the younger generation, instead of calling 911, are updating their status saying they need help. It’s getting a little out of hand.

  3. Hi Matt,

    The Benefit:
    Its been so long since I have seen you (high school), and the only way I was able to find you was Facebook. Years later, hundreds (if not thousands) of miles and people can pick up old relationships.

    Why I liked Facebook:
    I liked the concept of facebook from it’s humble beginnings – it was free – it was isolated to colleges/universities – enabling relationship renewal.

    Why Teenage girls like facebook:
    Gossip-who’s not including you, relationships, pictures, games

    Why Your Mom likes it:
    Pretty much the same reason the teenage girls are on there plus, her friends are on there

    Why Companies like it:
    Free advertising, brand marketing, information distribution & fan feedback.

    For those consistent overly developed relationships that we maintain from day to day, Facebook does seem to be an impedance for many – to me its a tool.
    I think the old saying is… “when all you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.” Generally, like twitter people do not tend to follow those who say ” i just woke up , or I just sneezed” they are normally looking for content – something of value to them.

    I enjoyed Facebook originally as a service to connect to old friends – like you – however, all the 3rd party apps and add-ins are a distraction to me while they add to the appeal of the Teenage Girls, Moms, and Companies wishing to market their product or service.
    Unfortunately, The closer they get to grabbing the masses – the farther their original core runs away.

    Instead of visiting once a month, now its once every 3 or 6 months.
    I am glad still the main service is available so I can use the tool as intended and say hi to old friends.


  4. Quite the hefty comment left behind. Surely facebook is a tool, but one that has gone awry. Indeed the intended purpose of it was to keep friends in touch, but the aim for it has drastically evolved. It is now a booming business model and more or less it only demeans the methods in which we used to communicate as people. The article that I posted I don’t agree with 100% but it expresses many feelings of concern that should be noted. You have certainly pinned down some of the appeals. Unfortunately, when it becomes the proper mode of communication for certain individuals, even those in distress, we have a social issue that needs to be addressed.

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