

Welcome to the world of wonders, a world better known as Japan. Today we will venture forth, into the depths referred to as Western Japan. A place not well explored or known even amongst the natives. On my safari I found a fascinating site at which I unfortunately have no pictures of and furthermore no PROOF of it’s existence. It will just have to remain a mystery in likeness to bigfoot until I can provide solid evidence! My discovery,.. I like to call it… the “Super Multi Kiddie Carriage”! That’s right, have the need to place a kid in day care? Worried about your kids not getting to see the town while at work? Have no fear, the “Super Multi Kiddie Carriage” is here! One caretaker can push around 5 to 7 of your children in a playpen on wheels!

No,.. seriously,… I’m not joking. I saw it.


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