
I want to ride my Bicycle!

Sorry Queen. Yea, so the highlight of my day was this kickin’ Bicycle I got. It came complete with: wheel light, bike lock, adjustable seat (no seat warmer, what can I ask for 5000 yen), and I can even lock the steering wheel so the person stealing it will go endlessly straight into that wall over there. Now all I need is some handle streamers and noise makers for the wheels…..

It’s amazing how riding a bicycle can clear your head. The whole change in lifestyle and culture has its tolls but once I get on that bike, everything just seems to go away. It’s pretty great. Today was quite a baffling day, full of Nihonglish and meetings. I met all of my co-workers (6 schools worth) and the board of education which hired me. I finally start this Friday! I am pretty excited to start and I will keep you all posted on how that first day goes! As for now, I will leave you with this, the 100 yen store is absolutely awesome. This message and my entire interior decorating scheme brought to you by Daiso, 100 yen amazingness.


6 thoughts on “I want to ride my Bicycle!

  1. Astrid says:

    Hey! Sounds like you’re having a good time, if not a busy time. I hope your experiences with teaching go well, and are not too stressful. And I’m definitely jealous of that bike. A lock for the handle-bars? Why don’t they have that kind of thing in America? Those clever Japanese…

    Glad to see you are doing well. Keep us all updated!


  2. JAG says:

    Riding a bicycle in Japan is one of my favorite things to do. I don’t know how else to describe it other than one step back to childhood, and three steps forward into the future. No stares or cars aiming to pulpify you. The freedom it gives you is so wonderful.

    Glad to hear you’re doing well, my good man. Keep it up!

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