
The Technology Age: Part 1

Technology has drastically changed our lives in the past decade. I have many things I love, but a number of gripes too, so I can easily see this becoming a multi-entry writing. I guess an interesting place to start would be here.

Recently I came across a company that provides a twist on an old and well-established service, mail. Essentially this company will come out and get your mail for you. Then they take it back to their facility where all the mail is digitized and e-mailed to you. They will even sort out your junk mail for you and keep those pesky solicitors out of your hair! All for a small fee of 4.99 USD a month, you get the great benefit of an amazing convenience! Sounds like a gift from the gods! Or does it?

The first thought that crossed my mind was, “Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. You want me to allow someone other than myself to open my mail?” In my head I heard all sorts of alarms going off, “Alert! Data miners!” Sure some people don’t mind, so for these people, opting for this service takes priority over privacy.

Then I got to thinking on why would you pay someone to go and get your mail for you? Does this company really think people are that lazy? Maybe I am being naive and don’t realize the true potentiality, but walking down to your mail box is hardly a hassle. Call it a good break between all the work you are doing to get some air and feel refreshed when you sit back down and hit the grind.

But what if are too busy or don’t work at home? Well while you hit the job, they will be hitting the pavement going out to diligently collect your mail. Unfortunately no matter what method is used, there is bound to be some sort of  footprint left behind and that brings me to the next point. What an epic waste of resources. Are you seriously telling me that after the mail was so painstakingly delivered, this company will use MORE resources to RECOLLECT the mail that was delivered only to then e-mail it to me? What is this a joke? This sounds like an exacerbation to a problem, not a solution to a problem. In fact, aren’t businesses supposed to focus on solutions instead of convoluting working models?

Surely it can’t all be bad right? Well, sure enough there are positive sides that speak for the service. As I mentioned before, they can help you out by ridding you of all the unwanted mail you get. They also trash it for you, which means less for you to throw away. Of course, this in no way changes the actual amount of garbage, just the amount of garbage you deal with. That too might be a takeaway for some people, but environment minded beware. Just because you can’t see the trash, doesn’t mean you are being friendly to mother nature.

However for some of us, priorities lie in the timely delivery of information. For those busy times in our life like when we aren’t home this service could come in handy. If there is an important letter coming via mail while you are on vacation, you can be sure to get it while you are away. In addition, they can be a great alternative to asking the neighbor or family member to take care of things till you return.

Lastly, there is the economic side of things to look at. Just like any good business in any industry, it brings more jobs to the market. And let’s be honest here, the market needs them.

Unfortunately for me, the ups versus the downs hardly convince me this service is necessary. The pure waste of resources alone is more than enough for me to say “No thanks.”

Currently, they only service  Austin, TX, but it looks like they are expanding to San Francisco very soon. Check it out and decide for yourself at Outbox (Update: Link Removed)!

This service was also recently reported on at Mashable.

Update (7/10/2016) – Looks like I wasn’t the only one who thought this was a bad idea. Since this post was written, their website has been taken over by Able Lenders. -DiNof
