Les Pensées en Francais

Même dans le miroir

“Même dans le miroir. J’ai des oreilles.”

Alors, il est quoi ca? En fait, je n’ai aucune idée. Il est sur que la phrase est vrai. Moi aussi, j’ai des oreilles dans le miroir. Peut-être toi même? La réalité est que les Japonais adorent tous les choses d’autres pays. Je ne comprendre pas la raison, mais elle est le cas. Il y a toujours les titres, les phrases, l’alimentation, et plein d’autres choses des pays étrangers ici. Bien sur, je comprends complètement la situation d’alimentation. Moi aussi, j’aime bien la nourriture du monde. Il existe pleins de choses de gouter! Malheureusement je ne comprends pas l’obsession d’autres cultures.

Peut-être il existe une réputation chique? Je n’ai aucune idée. Et mes amis? Est-ce que vous trouvez un cas similaire?


Have a Dream and Count Sheep

Realizations abound, I’ve finally come to terms with this blog. At first it was for my friends, but now I find it’s more for my entertainment. I can still share all the fun things with friends, but maybe I will do a little more writing of my thoughts on travel and other things. I have recently been reading a ton of articles on travel, learning language, photography, and moving (as in changing your living location). These are goals in mind for my future. Actually, I don’t see myself settling down anywhere for an extended period of time. My dreams are slowly evolving, changing, and taking on new persona. I hope for everyone back home I can share what I experience!

Now moving on, more to the title of the post. Setting goals is something everyone does in hopes for that dream. Even the laziest of people, such as myself, will do it. It’s ever so rewarding when the goals are actually accomplished (I know what you are thinking, but yes, I really AM lazy). I sometimes wonder where these goals will take me in life, but there’s no need to dwell too much on it. As long as I know my destination and general heading, I feel at ease.

On occasion I have the opportunity of discussing other peoples’ dreams and I think, “That’s fantastic,…. but why are you here?” I think people, especially in today’s day and age, get hung up (myself included). They get into something and stay there, call it being too comfortable or just plain lazy.  The goals they have will never come to pass because they are too busy “living” life, or so they say. As every day passes them by, they count their sheep till the next moment will come. In effect, they really are sleeping because that next moment may never come. Then you hit 65 and wonder to yourself, “What happened?” So let me ask now, “Why wait?!”

Well, I myself have grown tired of counting sheep. A bit of a paradox, seeing as counting sheep should make you tired! What I’m really saying is, I’m done waiting. Risk is a part of living and it’s about time I take action and do the things I’ve always wanted. Sure moving to Japan was a huge step in the right direction, but it never got me out of my old thoughts. Finally I realize that there is much more to life and it won’t get done till I do it.


Mid-terms, Remeber Those?

So the other day my students were getting their mid-term exams back. Before the students got them, the teacher mentioned the class average. Upon hearing it, all the students laughed. Well apparently I’m not Japanese enough to get the joke.

But I’m pretty sure a class average of 42 out of 100 points is pretty bad. Or maybe they were just trying to laugh off that test score they were about to get.

Lessons Learned

Dress Warm

Because the schools in Japan are not heated!

Only the class rooms and the teachers’ rooms are. That’s it! At least if one heater breaks only one class or room full of teachers have to suffer…….


Back in the day:

I did square dancing in highschool during those super rainy days. Man, did everyone hate it. We always tried for floor hockey or indoor soccer,… nope too violent. Time to doe-si-doe.

Here, what do they do during rainy season? Judo. That sure beats square dancing. At least you learn how to parry someone’s advance. That’s probably better than grab your offender, PROMENADE.

Complicated, News

New Year, New Things Part II

It’s been one sure ride as another year comes to a close. Now on cue *blank stares.* That’s right, another year has ended! This post is to honor the Chinese New Year which has already rolled on in. Most people in China actually celebrate the New Year about this time. From what I’ve heard from my friends, it’s a time spent with family eating dinner and watching TV. In that respect it’s similar to Japan. Other regards, I’m not so certain about. Maybe if any of my Taiwanese or Chinese friends are reading this, please leave a comment and teach us a little! Anyway, I hope the very best for all of you and I wish you a 新年快樂. May the year of the Tiger be great!
